Our rave onesie origin story

Our rave onesie origin story

Our love of rave onesies started with a second date at a house party with a group of strangers. It ended up changing our lives and introduced us to a lifestyle we love. This picture is the first one of many with our rave crew.

We were two regular people who were getting to know eachother, and were invited to our first rave - a private party at a new friend’s house. We didn’t know what to expect, all I was told by my friend Dave was that we would hang out for awhile and then some DJs would start and we’d start dancing, and at some point “people will likely change into these spandex onesies”.

I told that to Erin on our first date when I invited her to the party. She was understandably skeptical. Was she being invited by a guy she just met to an orgy? She told some of her girlfriends about it and they asked the same thing. “No it’s not an orgy I don’t think”, I told her, and she skeptically agreed to attend.

At that first party it started like any other house party, or cocktail party, with people getting to know eachother and exchanging pleasantries. But it quickly became something different. The conversations had nothing to do with what kind of work we did or what our next vacation was planned for. Rather, conversations quickly became about real things. The challenges someone has been facing lately, or some existential question someone else has been pondering.

At some point we saw someone walk down in a rave onesie. A full-body spandex outfit with a weird pattern. It looked awesome. I was nervous to put one on, but Dave basically forced me to, and next thing I knew were were all in onesies.

The openness was surprising at first, but we could tell it was real and we jumped into those conversations. They felt deeper and more meaningful than what we were used to. We moved to the dance floor and people started moving their bodies. I had hardly danced as an adult and wasn’t sure what to do. I was told to just move to the music and don’t worry about looking cool or being a good dancer. It felt natural, like I was meant to do it and knew how to from somewhere inside me. We danced all night long. We took breaks and made big cuddle puddles and talked about weird and funny things. We danced some more. We cuddled some more. We stayed up until sunrise, tired but so happy and full of love. We knew after that first rave that we wanted to do it again.