About Us

We’re ravers through and through. We fell in love with the connection, love, music, energy, and vibe at our very first show and never turned back. 

Dancing and connecting with a community is part of our DNA as humans, and we want to do this forever. 

Raving forever requires discipline, we have to take care of ourselves physically and mentally, and prepare ourselves for the long days and nights at festivals. 

Our clothing choices are extremely important in this environment - we want to stand out and be able to express ourselves, and we also want to be extremely comfortable and forget about our clothing so we can be completely present. 

That desire is what drove us to combine performance material with fun designs to make what we believe are the perfect rave outfits. 

The name onesigasm is inspired by how blown away we were when we attended our first rave and encountered a group of whacky and friendly people in these crazy outfits. 

We were “onesiegasmed”, and changed for life, and we want to share that experience with the world.

If you see us at a show, please say hi. And make sure to tag us in your gear so we can share the love with the world.


The onesiegasm team

Our quality promise

Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort. We spend most of our time and energy for good design and to achieve high quality. Every single detail from material to technique is thought through with obsessive attention. If our product doesn't satisfy you, we'll take it back.