Ode to the Ego - How to get present faster at raves

Ode to the Ego - How to get present faster at raves

Your ego is not your amigo. That’s the negative side of the ego.

Your ego is also really important. It keeps you out of physical danger. It protects you from mental harm. It controls most of your day so you can function within the world of stimulus without having to think critically about the thousands of decisions you make each minute.

Your ego is your friend.

It also gets in the way of a lot of things. And left unchecked, can make us miserable. Periodically destroying the ego is extremely helpful.

It’s the basis of mindfulness - learning to manage your brain’s activity and to live in the present when appropriate.

The dancefloor is one of the best places to destroy the ego.

You’ve probably experienced it. You’re completely present. Attuned to your body and the music. You feel the connection with the crowd. You experience transcendence.

For most that comes rarely and infrequently. By using the right tactics, it can become a regular occurance.

Here’s my tips for destroying the ego on the dance floor:

  1. Keep the phone away - every time you use your phone you’re brought back to the logistics of daily life. Take a few pictures or videos, and then put the phone away.
  2. Dance harder than you want to - especially in the beginning, it can take a long time to get in the moment and break down your ego. Dance 3x harder than you’re feeling at first, gradually your mind and body will align and it will come easier.
  3. Supplement only lightly - whatever substances you’re using, use very moderately. The stimulation of the environment is generally all you need.
  4. Use physical touch - embrace your friends. Hug eachother, massage eachother, hold hands.
  5. Play - act playful with your friends. The more goofy you can be, the faster you’ll get in the moment.
  6. Give eachother shoulder rides - they are a great accelerant into the moment. Especially early on when people are warming up, start shoulder rides early to break down barriers in people.

Killing the ego and getting present is a skill that can be developed. Try the above tactics at your next show and see if they help you arrive faster and more completely.