2 Year Anniversary Letter to our Rave Family

2 Year Anniversary Letter to our Rave Family

Exactly 2 years ago was my first party with what is now my chosen family.

I was a recently divorced, recently out of an unhealthy relationship, recently stepped down from my own company, burnt out dude who was starting over in pretty much every way imaginable.

The only constant I can think of back then was the three kids. Everything else was in flux.

I met Erin at a friend’s house a month prior - we went on a date, and I asked her to go to a “party my friend Dave invited me to, where they dance and wear onesies”

She thought it sounded sketchy. She consulted with her girlfriends, asked me about it. I said “I don’t know what to expect, but we’ll be together so we’ll just see what happens”

We went to the party. We met the kindest group of people. We didn’t talk about what we did for a living. We talked about real things. We played like children. We danced all night. And eventually, we changed into onesies.

We spent last night with Josh and Kelly and our new babies, JJ & Gabriel.

We all met 2 years ago at this party. If someone would have told us then that we’d be the best of friends with new babies, I would have laughed that person out of the room.

But the universe has a way of giving you what you need, if you’re open to it. And if you’re brave enough to say yes.

We said yes, and we’re so happy with what the universe provided for us.