Ear Plugs - The Most Important Rave Accessory

Ear Plugs - The Most Important Rave Accessory

Onesiegasm highlights the alarming number of people attending raves without wearing earplugs and the potential risks associated with prolonged exposure to high decibel levels. While acknowledging that traditional foam earplugs may not be ideal, we introduce you high-quality earplugs that not only provide protection but also enhance sound quality.

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Ode to the Ego - How to get present faster at raves

Ode to the Ego - How to get present faster at raves

Your ego is not your amigo. That’s the negative side of the ego. Your ego is also really important. It keeps you out of physical danger. It protects you from mental harm. It controls most of your day so you can function within the world of stimulus without having to think critically about the thousands of decisions you make each minute. Your ego is your friend. It also gets in the way of a lot of things. And left unchecked, can make us miserable. Periodically destroying the ego is extremely helpful. It’s the basis of mindfulness - learning to manage your brain’s activity and to live in the present when appropriate. The dancefloor is one of the best places to...

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Shoulder Rides - a How-to Guide

Shoulder Rides - a How-to Guide

Every physical endeavor has degrees of skill, shoulder rides are no different. A college cheerleader can likely give and receive better shoulder rides than an average person, because they’ve practiced lifting eachother overhead their whole lives. Shoulder rides are one of the great festival activities, they allow people to be the star for a few seconds. They also push people out of their comfort zones, and show them they can express themselves and standout in a safe space. Done poorly there’s risk of injury, done properly they’re extremely easy and can be done frequently within the group. It’s especially important to use good technique when lifting large men - and EVERYONE in the rave crew deserves a shoulder ride. Here’s...

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My Illenium Love Story

My Illenium Love Story

Since I started going to shows, I've been an on and off again Illenium fan. I don't love listening to him on the radio, but his live performances always delight. And going to an impromptu festival with my best friends last weekend in Charlotte reminded me to never write him off. Here's my Illenium love story. I started listening to Illenium right around the time I started going to EDM shows with a group that has become my best friends in the world. In 2021 he came to Minneapolis for two nights. Our group was really excited for it, and my life partner Erin and I started listening to him on the radio to get ready. We didn't immediately like...

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2 Year Anniversary Letter to our Rave Family

2 Year Anniversary Letter to our Rave Family

Exactly 2 years ago was my first party with what is now my chosen family. I was a recently divorced, recently out of an unhealthy relationship, recently stepped down from my own company, burnt out dude who was starting over in pretty much every way imaginable. The only constant I can think of back then was the three kids. Everything else was in flux. I met Erin at a friend’s house a month prior - we went on a date, and I asked her to go to a “party my friend Dave invited me to, where they dance and wear onesies” She thought it sounded sketchy. She consulted with her girlfriends, asked me about it. I said “I don’t know...

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Our rave onesie origin story

Our rave onesie origin story

Our love of rave onesies started with a second date at a house party with a group of strangers. It ended up changing our lives and introduced us to a lifestyle we love. This picture is the first one of many with our rave crew. We were two regular people who were getting to know eachother, and were invited to our first rave - a private party at a new friend’s house. We didn’t know what to expect, all I was told by my friend Dave was that we would hang out for awhile and then some DJs would start and we’d start dancing, and at some point “people will likely change into these spandex onesies”. I told that to...

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